Operation day

Today was The Day. I had a very restless night as I was so stressed about the possible outcome. While waiting our turn at the clinic Topi did a grand tour and checked the room but no food was found..

Around 11 am Topi was sedated and I went home. After some looooong hours I got the call that the operation is over and Topi is in the recovery room. What a relief! I will write more about the operation itself later, now we will have a well deserved rest <3


Topi was operated on Tuesday at Eläinklinikka Morelius by DVM Mikael Morelius. Both shoulders were operated by arthroscopy. On the left side there was a appr. 10 mm wide piece of cartilage removed. On the right side, which is also affected, the situation was calm and nothing was done. Everything went well!

The beauty of arthroscopy as a method compared to open surgery is the tiny little wounds instead of large wounds. Topi’s wounds are dry and clean and there is no swelling at all. Another advantage is faster recovery and less risk of infection. I’m super happy that I chose this clinic to operate Topi. The entire staff is so professional and friendly! I was very well informed at all stages and had a good chat with the surgeon pre- and post-op.

The first night post-op went well. Topi was calm and we all slept well trough the night. Now we have to take it very easy, just the mandatory leashed outings. Inside Topi may stroll free as long as he stays calm. I’ve blocked his favorite spots where he usually jumps like the side table in the kitchen… Topi is using the leg well and shows no signs of pain. Sure he is on pain meds still.

Wanna have a look on shoulder arthroscopy? Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/live/EsdYrIGArxs?feature=share

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