2nd scan

Today we took Irma to Reprovet to check how many puppies there is on board. Irma behaved like good girl and Laura Linntamm confirmed quite a few pups on board! Irma is now on the second trimester and absorbing is still possible. It’s always so exciting to see the final number <3

If you ever need reproduction services for your dog Reprovet is definitely the place to go! Check out their services: https://www.reprovet.fi/en

Pregnancy calender

I’ve completely forgotten to publish the pregnancy calendar! It’s a nice tool to follow a canine pregnancy. Here is the link: http://rr.sk/modules.php?name=Preg_kal&vybrany_jazyk=finnish&co=ktvk1NKrkZHM3unmxNTT0tTCz62oi9Lg2N%2FA0NXgopmfhdbT5eTR19bZnJ2RnqSY39bQ0czby9PX0cyrj5HE1N%2Fo2NvPnLfW2d%2Fm2dyUzNDU4dvrorDgzMyH2dXi2MirsszO39%2Fgi9fdwsrJ29Tg1NvPnJ6WkuTr38vNw9DPy96vi9Livt%2Fa5tTX06TSzdDU2uk%3D

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