Last Sunday I noticed some minor irregularity in Topi’s front movement. He wasn’t lame, but something was disturbing me. In the examination I got a small reaction from left shoulder joint. Being pretty well educated on growth disorders I got really worried.
On Monday I called here and there, trying to get an appointment to an experienced orthopedist. All my favs were either on parental leave or booked for weeks. At this point the most important was to get xrays done so I headed to my hometown vet and got an appointment for Tuesday. I also contacted Askel Healtcare to figure out if Copla® cartilage implant is available somewhere but it’s not.
On Tuesday we met the orthopedist. While walking and running there was nothing significant present, just the same minor irregularity which I noticed on Sunday. In the examination there was no reactions but little uncomfort in extreme streching of left fore leg. We decided to xray shoulders and elbows. Elbows were fine but unfortunately there was OCD present in both shoulders. The left shoulder was way worse than right , but both are clearly affected.
These finding are a shock as Topi has been very active and playful all the time, showing no signs of pain. He’s been trained for shows, he has been running like crazy in the woods. And he has been unwell for quite some time already. I’m just heartbroken for my pup. Why haven’t I seen him suffering :/
So here it starts, Topi’s OCD diary.