Getting ready

There is so many things to do before Topi’s operation. First weeks he’s gonna have a very restricted life and I need to secure his own good. At first I’ve built a pen in my bedroom, next to my work hub. That hopefully keeps him steady during the first weeks post op! Huge thanks to Kaisa for the fencing 🙂 I’ve also lowered the bed so Topi won’t be jumping up and down during the recovery. He will most likely sleep calm next to me.

Supplements arrived

I’ve read again every single paper of OCD and especially post op procedures. Supplements are playing a very important role in recovery. I chose to start with Nutrolin Hip & Joint, which includes chondroprotective nutrients like glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, MSM, krill and vitamins E & C and omega-3 fatty acids of fish oil (ETA, EPA, DPA and DHA).

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