We are about 2 weeks from The Day. Tia took some beautiful photos of Irma last weekend <3
We are about 2 weeks from The Day. Tia took some beautiful photos of Irma last weekend <3
Today Olivia got the first movements filmed. Soccer times are here!
Today Irma had her 2nd herpes vaccination @Reprovet. The staff went trough giving birth with Irma, so she knows it all now 😀
The last week before the estimated birth is starting soon. Irma is focusing in eating and resting, just like heavily pregnant girls do at this stage. <3
Yesterday we took Irma under the magic light to have a sneak peek inside her belly. There indeed is quite a few zippers present! How many do you see?
The due day is Thursday, but the puppies are now fully developed and ready to be born. Irma has bonded with Eino and they are together all the time. Maybe Eino is dreaming to be a whelper helper 😀
We are closing the due date and Irma is feeling quite uncomfortable. Her temperature has dropped a bit but no significant drop yet that would anticipate the labor to start. But soon, very soon.
The puppies were born in 21.8.2024. Altogether 13 puppies but 2 of them had their Angel Wings on. Irma is being a perfect mom and all pups are triving <3